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Transfer HTML website to Vue / Nuxt.js

Task: Transfer an existing HTML site to Vue / Nuxt.js to consolidate theoretical knowledge of these frameworks.
Development duration: around 6 month.

This project is a great example of how an initiative can grow into a full-fledged, living and developing product.

After learning the Vue.js framework, I needed to put what I had learned into practice. I decided to start small. A colleague suggested practicing on an existing project. Transferring the functionality took about a month, as I had to learn many aspects as I worked. Several times the code had to be significantly rewritten to make it cleaner and meet modern standards.

When developing the previous, HTML-version of the site, I intuitively understood that I needed reactivity, but at that time I did not know about this concept yet and realized it with the help of jQuery-plugins. It was especially clear when I realized the countdown timer, which was to be synchronously displayed in different places of the site. But how glad I am that I learned Vue! Now I have more time to work out the business logic and less time for mouse fiddling.

Another advantage of transfer our HTML site to Vue / Nuxt.js + headless CMS is that content managers themselves can add entries to the site without my involvement, which reduces the time for publishing materials and relieves my workload as a developer.

As a result, the project was released to production six months later! Yay, yay, yay! But it took so long not because the work took so long, but because other changes were implemented in parallel, and the publication was timed to coincide with their announcement. Now the project functions on the basis of the new framework and is actively developing. Our team is already working on new features. The continuation follows…